About Mussurepe

Friday, June 5, 2015

Mother's Day Celebration

We had a wonderful church service and Mother's day celebration in Mussurepe. Grandma Isabel has been meeting with the mothers on Tuesdays to pray for their families and children and community. Caid and Rachel have been teaching at the small public school in town, with volunteers from the International school.
It was a special time as one of the women in the community came forward and shared (everyone knew the story) how she had recently been released from the hospital where they had told her she was going to die from a poisonous snake bite. She was there to give glory to God.
(She is the one in the middle)
Two families came forward with children they wanted to dedicate to the Lord, and we all joined in prayer for them.
It is incredible to see this community grow! Please pray for the men of the community, who rarely participate, and are greatly missed at these services. 
We all sang, and Pastor Flavio preached, and then the children passed out chocolate roses to their mothers, and Grandma Isabel had special "lembrancas" (small gifts) for the mothers, and, as always, homemade cake for everyone.  

Caid's Vlog about teaching in Mussurepe: